Ring in the New Year with Kindness

To The Kindness Community,


This past year brought many highs and lows (but, you know, the 2021 versions). I’m entering this new year with a fresh perspective and a lot of hope. I’m leaving behind self-doubt, judgement, and comparison.

One thing I’m definitely bringing into the new year? Kindness.

Kindness helps us understand ourselves better.

Kindness allows us to connect authentically with others.

Kindness shows us how to live compassionately and generously.

Kindness gives our lives meaning and purpose.

Kindness is a beacon of hope.

In 2022, I’m challenging myself to be kinder than ever, because the world needs it. I’m reminding myself that there are so many ways to be kind, from the elaborate and expensive to the subtle and small. 

Today, on January 1st, (or, whenever you’re reading this - there’s no perfect date!) I challenge you to start making kindness a part of your everyday life. Be intentional with your words, actions, and thoughts, and consider how you can be that beacon of hope for yourself and for everyone around you. Remember, kindness comes back around!


How can I show love and compassion to this person/in this situation?

How can I make this person smile? How can I make their day brighter?

How would I want to be treated? What words or actions would comfort me?

How can I make a difference in this person’s life? In the world?

What gives me hope? How can I spread this hope to others?

If you’re looking for concrete ideas, take a look at my Ultimate Acts of Kindness List.

I wish you a very Happy New Year, filled with joy, growth, happiness, and KINDNESS! 


Gina @ Classroom of Kindness


How to Tackle Burnout with Kindness


The Ultimate Acts of Kindness List